Fangchenggang city

Fangchenggang, a prefectural-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is an important node city in the Beibu Gulf city cluster. It is a coastal city, a border city and a port city. It is located at the southwest end of the coastline of mainland China, backed by Southwest China, facing Southeast Asia, facing the Beibu Gulf in the south, and bordering Vietnam in the southwest. Known as the "Southwest gateway, border pearl", it is the oxygen capital of China, the hometown of China's golden flower tea, the hometown of China's egret, the hometown of China's longevity, and one of the hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangxi. According to the seventh census, the permanent population of Fangchenggang was 1,046,068 as of midnight on November 1, 2020.

Fangcheng Port was built in March 1968 as the main port of departure for the concealed maritime transportation route between Vietnam and the United States. It is known as the starting point of the "Maritime Ho Chi Minh Trail". Fangcheng Port is a good deep-water port, one of the 25 major coastal ports in China.

In 1985, the prefecture-level Fangchenggang District was established, and in May 1993, The State Council approved the establishment of the prefecture-level Fangchenggang City. As one of the core cities of Guangxi Beibei Bay Economic Zone, Fangchenggang has five national-level reform and innovation platforms, including the borderline financial Comprehensive Reform Pilot Zone, Dongxing National Key Development and Opening Pilot Zone, China Dongxing - Vietnam Mong Jie Cross-border Economic Cooperation Zone, Dongxing Border Economic Cooperation Zone, and Border Tourism Pilot Zone. It is a national strategic gathering zone and a pilot special zone. In May 2016, Fangchenggang was also listed as one of the comprehensive pilot areas for building a new system of open economy in China. Fangchenggang has a special strategic position in the China-East League Free Trade zone and pan-Beibu Gulf regional cooperation.
In 2021, Fangchenggang's GDP reached 81.588 billion yuan, an increase of 9.4% over the previous year at constant prices.

Chinese counties in Fangchenggang city

Shangsi County
Dongxing county-level city

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