liaoyang city

Liaoyang, known as Xiangping and Liaodong in ancient times, is a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of Liaoning Province, a modern industrial city dominated by petrochemical industry approved by the State Council, a central city in central and southern Liaoning and a national historical and cultural city. By 2021, Liaoyang City will have 5 districts and 1 county under its jurisdiction and 1 county-level city under its management, with a total area of 4743 square kilometers and a built-up area of 139.5 square kilometers.

Liaoyang, located in the northeast of China and the middle of Liaoning, is a sub central city of Shenyang metropolitan area, a new modern petrochemical and light textile industrial base and an excellent tourist city in China. It is one of the earliest cities in the northeast. From the 3rd century BC to the early 17th century, it has been the political, economic and cultural center, transportation hub and military center of Northeast China.

Liaoyang is one of the oldest cities in Northeast China and a famous cultural city with a history of more than 2000 years. During the Warring States Period, it was the administration of Liaodong Prefecture of Yan State, and was made by Yan in Qin Dynasty. At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, Liaoyang was the capital of Liaodong State. Later, Liaodong Prefecture was still located here. During the period of Gongsun, Xiangping was governed by Pingzhou and Liaodong Prefecture. In the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty, Xiangping became the capital of Liaodong again, and later became the state government. During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Liaoyang was successively occupied by the former Yan, the former Qin, the latter Yan, Koguryo and other local ethnic regimes. Liaoyang was the governor of Liaocheng Prefecture in the Tang Dynasty, and once became the governor of Andong City. During the Liao and Jin Dynasties, Liaoyang Prefecture was set up in Tokyo. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was the provincial residence of Liaoyang. In the Ming Dynasty, a commanding officer of Liaodong Capital was set up to govern the whole territory of Liaoning. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Liaoyang was established as the capital of Liaoyang, and then Liaoyang County was set as the Liaoyang Prefecture. Liaoyang County was established in the Republic of China.

In 2021, Liaoyang will achieve a GDP of 85.97 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1%. At the end of the year, the city's permanent population will be 1.577 million.

Chinese counties in liaoyang city

dengta county-level city
liaoyang county

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