nanping city

Nanping City, a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Fujian Province, is located in the north of Fujian Province, on the southeast side of the northern section of Wuyi Mountain, at the junction of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces, commonly known as "North Fujian". It is adjacent to Quzhou and Lishui in Zhejiang Province in the northeast, Fuzhou and Shangrao in Jiangxi Province in the northwest, Ningde City in the southeast, and Sanming City in the southwest, with a total area of 26300 square kilometers. By the end of 2021, it has jurisdiction over 2 municipal districts, 5 counties, and 3 county-level cities. The number of permanent residents at the end of 2021 is 2.67 million. The municipal government is located in Jianyang District.

Nanping was located in Baiyue during the pre-Qin period. In September 1994, Nanping was removed from Nanping and established as a prefecture-level city; It is one of the earliest developed areas in southern China, with a history of more than 4000 years, and is one of the birthplaces of Fujian culture. The name "Fujian" comes from the first word of ancient Jianzhou (today's Jianou). It is the birthplace of Minyue culture, Zhuzi culture, Wuyi tea ceremony culture, Qi Tian Da Sheng culture, and Zhang Sanfeng Tai Chi culture. Zhu Xi, a famous Neo-Confucian in Nanping, "Qin Shu for 50 years", has influenced China for more than 800 years. He called it "Zou Lu in Fujian Province" and "Daonan Li Grottoes".

Nanping is a national ecological demonstration area, a national green development demonstration area, the birthplace of the Minjiang River, an ecological barrier in Fujian, and one of the best ecological environment areas in the same latitude of the earth. The territory is characterized by towering mountains, wide distribution of low mountains, and scattered valleys and small basins between mountains, which is typical of "eight mountains, one water and one field" in southern China; It has more than 150 tourist resources, including one of the only four "World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites" in Wuyi Mountain. Hefei-Fuzhou High-speed Railway, Yingzhou-Xiamen Railway, Waizhou-Fuzhou Railway, Hengnan Railway, National Highway 205 and National Highway 316 transit; There are also routes and channels such as Yishan Airport and the main stream of Minjiang River.

In 2021, Nanping will achieve a GDP of 211.758 billion yuan, an increase of 6.5%. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 34.636 billion yuan, up 5.8%; The added value of the secondary industry was 75.455 billion yuan, up 3.8%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 101.667 billion yuan, up 8.7%.

Chinese counties in nanping city

shunchang county
pucheng county
guangze county
songxi county
zhenghe county
shaowu county level city
wuyishan county level city
jianou county level city
jianyang county level city

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