Wenchang county-level city

Wenchang, a county-level city directly under the jurisdiction of Hainan Province, is located in the northeast of Hainan Island. Its geographical coordinates are between 19°21' -- 20°1' north latitude and 110°28' -- 111°03' east longitude. It has a total land area of 2,488 square kilometers and a sea area of 5,245 square kilometers. The terrain of Wenchang city inclines from the southwest inland to the northeast coast, and there are Wenjiao River, Zhuxi River, Wenchang River, Shibi River and Beishui River and other rivers in the territory. It belongs to the tropical monsoon maritime climate, with abundant rainfall, abundant sunshine, warm climate, frost-free all year round, unclear four seasons, no heat in summer and no cold in winter. According to the website of Wenchang People's Government in January 2023, Wenchang has jurisdiction over 17 towns and 2 farms. Municipal people's government in Wencheng town. By the end of 2021, Wenchang has a permanent resident population of 567,200.

The name of Wenchang originated from "Yanwu Cultivation of literature". In the first year of Yuanfeng of the Western Han Dynasty (110 B.C.), Wenchang established Zibei County, one of the three ancient towns in Hainan. In November 1995, Wenchang County was abolished and Wenchang City was established. With profound cultural heritage and outstanding people, Wenchang is the birthplace of Hainan Minnan culture. More than 1.2 million Wenchang compatriots live in more than 60 countries and regions in the world. There are Haikou-Yulin (East) Highway (G223), Haikou-Wenchang Expressway, Wenchang-Lingao Highway (G360) passing through Wenchang City, Hainan East Ring high-speed Railway passing through the city, Wenchang Station and Fengjiawan Station, Qinglan Port and Puqian Port. Wenchang has been honored as a county under the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics, a national comprehensive pilot area for new urbanization, and a national Sanitary city (county seat). There are Hainan Tongguling Scenic spot, Song ancestral residence scenic spot, Coconut Grand View Garden, Wenchang Confucius Temple, Spring coconut Kingdom and other scenic spots.

In 2021, Wenchang achieved a gross regional product of 30.873 billion yuan, an increase of 10.5% compared with 2020 at constant prices. Specifically, the added value of the primary industry was 10.417 billion yuan, up by 5.1%; The added value of the secondary industry was 6.921 billion yuan, up by 21.6%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 13.535 billion yuan, up by 9.6%.

Chinese counties in Wenchang county-level city

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