anguo county-level city

Anguo is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province and entrusted by Baoding City. Its central location is 38 ° 42'48 ″ north latitude and 115 ° 33'30 ″ east longitude. It is located in the middle of Hebei Province and the south of Baoding City. It is located in the hinterland of the North China Plain, the center of the Beijing Tianjin Shijiazhuang triangle, and in the economic circle around Beijing Tianjin and the Bohai Sea. The northeast is adjacent to Boye County. It is connected with Dingzhou in the west, Wangdu County and Qingyuan District in the northwest, Shenze County in the southwest and Anping County in the southeast. It is 250 kilometers away from Beijing in the north, 54 kilometers away from Baoding, 110 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang in the south, 240 kilometers away from Tianjin in the northeast, and 30 kilometers away from Beijing Shenzhen Expressway, Beijing Guangzhou Highway, and Beijing Guangzhou Railway in the west.

In 2017, Anguo had a total area of 486 square kilometers; It has jurisdiction over 2 streets, 6 towns and 3 townships; Anguo landform is dominated by proluvial alluvial plain, and the terrain is gently inclined from northwest to southeast. It belongs to warm temperate zone, semi humid and semi-arid monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons.

In the early years of the founding of the State of An in the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, the high ancestor, took the idea of pacifying the country and made the royal tomb marquis the Duke of An. In the sixth year of Yuanshou (117 BC), Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty set up Anguo County. In the first year of Jingde in the Song Dynasty (1004 AD), Qizhou government moved here, so the State of An was called "Qizhou" in ancient times. It is the hometown of Guan Hanqing, a world cultural celebrity and dramatist of the Yuan Dynasty.

Anguo City is the largest distribution center of traditional Chinese medicine and one of the birthplaces of traditional Chinese medicine culture in China. It is known as the "drug capital" and "the best drug market in the world". It enjoys the reputation of "the herb becomes medicine when it reaches Anguo, and the medicine begins to smell after passing through Qizhou". Anguo Pharmaceutical City was listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists, and it has national key cultural relics protection units - Yaowang Temple and Anguo Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Museum. On October 22, 2018, it was selected into the list of national pilot areas for the integration and development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries in 2018.

In 2021, the permanent population of the city will be 356926, and the GDP of Anguo City will reach 12217370000 yuan.

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