Bangor County

Bangor County is under the jurisdiction of Nagqu City, Tibet Autonomous Region. It is named after the lake Bangor, located in the western part of northern Tibet, between the two lakes of Namco and Selinco on the Northern Tibet Plateau. It is adjacent to Seni District in the east, Shenzha County in the west, Dangxiong County of Lhasa and Nanmulin County of Shigatse in the south, and Shuanghu County and Anduo County in the north. The administrative area is 30,858 square kilometers. As of midnight on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Bangor County is 39,309. In 2019, the GDP of Bangor County reached 900.54 million yuan. The added value of the primary industry was 194.69 million yuan, and that of the secondary industry was 235.71 million yuan.

Tourist attractions include Ziri Gompa Temple, Chadolangka Island, Namtso, Selin Co and so on.
On February 6, 2019, the People's Government of Tibet Autonomous Region decided to withdraw Bangor County from poverty. On December 6, 2019, it was selected as a pilot unit to promote the quality improvement of farmer cooperatives in the whole county.


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