baokang county

Baokang County, subordinate to Xiangyang City of Hubei Province, is located in the northwest of Hubei Province, located in the southwest of Xiangyang City. It spans east longitude 110°45 '~ 111°31', north latitude 31°21 '~ 32°06', with a total area of 3225 square kilometers. Baokang County belongs to the subtropical continental monsoon climate. As of October 2021, Baokang County has jurisdiction over 10 towns, 1 township and 1 township unit. County people's government in Chengguan Town. By the end of 2021, the registered population of Baokang County is 263,000.

Han Dynasty, the south of today's Baokang Linju County jurisdiction, belongs to Jingzhou South County. Ming Dynasty Hongzhi eleven years (1498) in April, analysis of Fang County (Yuan to Zhengtwo years of province Fangling County into Fangzhou, Ming Hongwu ten years down as a county, called Fang County) east Yiyang, Xiuwen two Li, set Baokang County. Baokang County is an important transportation hub in northwest Hubei. Four expressways, namely Hubei, Ma 'an, Laoshi and Baoshen, can reach Shiyan, Xiangyang, Yichang and Shenlongjia in one hour. The Zhengyu high-speed railway station is set up in Baokang. The main attractions are Wudao Gorge, Guanshan Forest Park, Tangchi Gorge Hot spring and so on. Baokang County was named as the second batch of "Hubei Food safety demonstration County (city, district)", the National Patriotic Health Campaign Committee reconfirmed as the national health township (county). To be named 2017-2020 Ping An China Construction Demonstration County list.
In 2021, the GDP of Baokang County was 15.31 billion yuan.

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