Boluo County

Boluo County, under the jurisdiction of Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, is located in the east and west of Guangdong Province and the north of Huizhou City. It is adjacent to Heyuan Yuancheng District and Zijin County in the east, Huiyang District and Dongguan in the south, Zengcheng District of Guangzhou in the west, and Longmen County in the north. Boluo is the hub of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area and the throat of Beijing-Kowloon Railway Economic Growth Zone. Boluo is the largest county in the Pearl River Delta that can be developed continuously. It is a pilot project of fiscal reform in counties directly under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province. Boluo County has a total area of 2858 square kilometers. By October 2021, Boluo County has 2 streets and 15 towns under its jurisdiction. In 2021, Boluo County will have a permanent population of 1.212 million and a registered residence population of 950900.

Boluo is one of the four ancient counties of Lingnan civilization. Hakka culture, red culture, traditional Chinese medicine culture and other cultures complement each other. Boluo culture has integrated the cultures of Guangfu, Hakka, Chaoshan and other ethnic groups, forming a multicultural culture with both the common characteristics of Lingnan culture and distinctive regional characteristics.

In 2017, Boluo County was selected as the fifth national civilized city. In December 2017, it was elected as one of China's top 100 industrial counties (cities). Demonstration county (district) of the national intellectual property project. In November 2018, it was selected into the 2018 National "Happy 100 Counties" and the 2018 Top 100 Industrial Counties (Cities). In December 2018, it was selected as one of the top 100 national county economies with comprehensive competitiveness and investment potential.

In 2021, the gross regional product of Boluo County will reach 74.166 billion yuan, an increase of 12.6% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries was 7.674 billion yuan, 39.399 billion yuan and 27.073 billion yuan, up 12.7%, 17.4% and 6.6% respectively. The three industrial structures were 10.4:53.1:36.5.

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