Chengkou County

Chengkou County, under the jurisdiction of Chongqing, is located at the southern foot of Daba Mountain, in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the northeast of Chongqing, adjacent to Zhenping County and Pingli County in Shaanxi Province in the east, intersecting Xuanhan County and Wanyuan City in Sichuan Province in the west, bordering Kaizhou District and Wuxi County in Chongqing in the south, and connecting Langao County and Ziyang County in Shaanxi Province in the north, with a total area of 3289.08 square kilometers. In 2021, the total registered residence population of Chengkou County will be 249900. There are 24 ethnic minorities, 431 people (2019). As of October 2021, Chengkou County has jurisdiction over 2 streets, 10 towns and 13 townships. 173 administrative villages and 31 communities. People's Government of Chengkou County is located at No. 1, North Gate of Tucheng Road, Gecheng Street.

According to the "Records of Chengkou Hall", Chengkou is famous for its mountainous terrain. "According to the gateway of the three provinces, the city is known as the mouth of the four provinces". In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), Chengkou Hall was changed to Chengkou County. In 1997, a municipality directly under the Central Government of Chongqing was established, and Chengkou County was transferred into Chongqing along with Wanxian City. In 1998, Chengkou County was directly under the jurisdiction of Chongqing Municipality. It is a comprehensive demonstration county of e-commerce in rural areas, a national health county, a sub-county for the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics, and a key county for national rural revitalization. It has the geographical indications of national agricultural products: Chengkou chestnut, Chengkou old bacon, Chengkou mountain chicken, Chengkou walnut, Chengkou honey, Chengkou potato, Chengkou Taibai Fritillaria. In 2020, the Chongqing Municipal People's Government approved Chengkou County to withdraw from the poverty-stricken counties.

In 2021, the GDP of Chengkou County will reach 6.063 billion yuan, an increase of 6.6% over the previous year. By industry, the added value of the primary industry is 1.27 billion yuan, and the added value of the secondary industry is 1.221 billion yuan. The added value of the tertiary industry is 3.573 billion yuan, and the ratio of the tertiary industry structure is 20.9:20.1:59.0.

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