chunan county

Chun 'an County, located in the west of Zhejiang Province and the southwest of Hangzhou, is located in the hills and mountains. Its geographical coordinates are between 29°11 '~ 30°02' north latitude and 118°20 '~ 119°20' east longitude. It borders Jiande City of Hangzhou on the east, Qujiang District, Changshan County and Kaihua County of Quzhou City on the south, Xiuning County and Shexian County of Huangshan City, Anhui Province on the west, and Lin 'an District and Tonglu County of Hangzhou City on the north. The total area is 4,427 square kilometers. According to the seventh census, Chun 'an County has a permanent population of 329,000 as of midnight on November 1, 2020. Under the jurisdiction of 11 towns and 12 townships, Chun 'an County people's government in Qiandaohu Town Xin 'an North Road 18.

In 1958, Chun 'an and Sui 'an counties were merged into Chun 'an County. In 1963, Chun 'an County was divided into Hangzhou. Chun 'an County is the old revolutionary base county, the location of the national 5A scenic spot Qiandao Lake, the fourth batch of practice and innovation bases of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are gold and silver mountains", and the first batch of model counties of the Ministry of Water Resources to deepen the reform of small reservoir management system. It is one of the first pilot projects of Zhejiang high quality development and common Prosperity Demonstration zone.

In 2020, the GDP of Chun 'an County reached 24.062 billion yuan, a decrease of 4.8% based on comparable prices.

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