Fengkai County

Fengkai County, under the jurisdiction of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, is located in the northwest of Guangdong Province. It is an important part of the "Xijiang Corridor" economic region and the intersection of the "Pearl River Delta" and the Southwest. It is between 23 ° 13 '- 23 ° 59' N and 111 ° 21 '- 112 ° 02' E, with a total area of 2723.93 square kilometers. It is a mountainous and hilly area with a subtropical monsoon humid climate. Affected by the monsoon, the climate is warm, the winter is short and the summer is long, and the frost-free period is long. It has jurisdiction over 1 street and 15 towns. The county people's government is located in Jiangkou Street. By the end of 2021, the registered residence population of the county is 526800, and the permanent population is 374700. It is a pilot project of fiscal reform in counties directly under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province.

Fengkai County was once an important place for economic and cultural exchanges between Lingnan and the Central Plains. It was also the birthplace of Lingnan indigenous culture and Cantonese. It was also the source of the names of Guangdong, Guangxi and Guangzhou. It was an important transportation hub from Lingnan to the vast areas of the Central Plains and the sea-land junction of the Silk Road. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, Fengchuan was located in Guangxin County and Kaijian was located in Fengyang County. To the second year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1369), both counties were under the jurisdiction of Zhaoqing Prefecture. The system of two counties was abolished in the Qing Dynasty and restored in the Republic of China. In 1961, Fengchuan County and Kaijian County were merged into Fengkai County, under the jurisdiction of Zhaoqing. Fengkai County, known as the "gateway of Guangdong and Guangxi", is the "throat" of the Pearl River Delta region to the southwest, with convenient land and water transportation. Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhao Expressway S8, National Highway 321, Provincial Highway 266 and Xijiang Golden Waterway run through the territory. There are natural tourist attractions in Fengkai County, including Guangdong Fengkai National Geological Park, Longshan Scenic Spot, Great Banshi Scenic Spot, and Guangdong Fengkai Heishiding Provincial Nature Reserve.

In 2020, Fengkai County's GDP reached 14.577 billion yuan, up 0.1% year on year.

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