Helan County

Helan County, under the jurisdiction of Yinchuan City of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, is located in the north central part of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and the north of Yinchuan City. It is located in the northwest inland of the Loess Plateau and in the middle of Qingtongxia Irrigation area of Yinchuan Plain. It has a medium-temperate continental climate and is adjacent to 5 districts and counties with a total area of 1204.71 square kilometers. As of October 2022, Helan County has jurisdiction over 1 subdistrict, 4 towns, 1 township and 4 township units. By the end of 2021, Helan County has 135,000 permanent households and 344,000 permanent residents.

Helan county for is located in the helan mountain and the main peak aobao Ge address below, hence to name. Qing Yongzheng two years (1725), set Ningxia County; In the eighteen years of the Republic of China (1929), Ningxia Province; In April 1941, it was renamed Helan County because it had the same name with Ningxia Province. October 1, 1949, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, is Ningxia Province. In 1954, it belongs to Yinchuan District of Gansu Province; In 1958, it belonged to Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region; In 1975, it was put under the jurisdiction of Yinchuan City.

The main scenic spots in Helan County include Helan Mountain rock paintings, Suyu Mouth, Rolling Bell Mouth, Helan Mountain National Forest Park, Ningxia Horticultural Industrial Park and Chinese Wolfberry Hall. In October 2020, Helan County was selected into the list of "National Model Cities (counties) with double support". In January 2021, Helan County was selected into the "List of the eighth batch of National Demonstration Areas for Ethnic Unity and Progress". In August 2022, Helan County was selected into the "2022 Agricultural Modernization Demonstration Zone creation list". In October 2022, Helan County was selected into the "2022 National Rural Revitalization Model County Creation List".

In 2021, the GDP of Helan County reached 15.850 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 5.0%; The ratio of value-added of primary, secondary and tertiary industries was 14.8:28.4:56.7; The general public budget revenue was 1.323 billion yuan, up 5.01% year on year; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 14.32 billion yuan, up 1.9 percent year on year; The per capita disposable income of rural and urban permanent residents reached 18,909.7 yuan and 37,473.5 yuan, up 9.6 percent and 6.5 percent, respectively.

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