hongan county

Hong 'an County, subordinate to Huanggang City of Hubei Province, is located in the northeast of Hubei Province, the southern foot of Dabie Mountain and the junction of Hubei and Henan provinces, adjacent to Macheng in the east, Huangpi District and Dawu County in the west, Xinzhou District in the south and Xinxian County in Henan Province in the north. The total area is 1793 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over 10 towns and 1 township.

Hong 'an formerly known as Huang 'an, Ming Jiajing forty-two years (1563), Hong 'an officially built county. Zeng nurtured a large number of famous scholars such as the founders of Neo-Confucianism, philosophers Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi in the Northern Song Dynasty, thinker Li Zhi in the Ming Dynasty, modern translator and writer Ye Junjian, historian Feng Tianyu, economist Zhang Peigang, etc. During the Great Revolution, the first shot of the Jute Uprising was fired here, giving birth to three main Red Army units, the Red Fourth Army, the Red 25th Army and the Red 28th Army. 140,000 heroes and daughters were sacrificed, and there were 22,552 registered revolutionary martyrs.

By the end of 2020, Hong 'an County has a permanent population of 510,189. In 2021, Hong 'an County achieved a gross regional product (GDP) of 22.74 billion yuan.

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