huaining county

Huining County, subordinate to Anqing City, Anhui Province, is located in the southwest of Anhui Province, the north bank of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the lower reaches of Wanhe River, and the east of Yixiu District of Anqing City, the southeast of Dongzhi County across the river, the west of Taihu County, the northwest of Qianshan City, the south of Wangjiang County, and the north of Tongcheng City across the river, with a total area of 1276 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over 15 towns and 5 townships.

Huining County has a history of more than 1,600 years since Jian County of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It has been governed by the same city for more than 690 years, and by the same city for 178 years. It is known as the first county of Anhui Province. There were some famous figures in Huining, such as calligraphy master Deng Shiru, the main founder of the Communist Party of China Chen Duxiu, the educator Wangxinggong, the "father of two bombs" Deng Jiaxian, and the famous young poet Hai Zi. Huining is the birthplace of the Eastern Han Dynasty poem "Peacock Flying Southeast", the birthplace of Huangmei Opera and the birthplace of Hui Opera, the predecessor of Peking Opera. It is known as "the hometown of opera" and "the hometown of education". There are peacock southeast flying film and television base, Duxiu Mountain, Putuo Temple and other scenic spots, specialties Huining tribute cake, Longchi Xiangjian tea and so on.

By the end of 2021, the total registered population of Huining County is 703,496 million. In 2021, the gross regional product (GDP) reached 33.09 billion yuan. The added value of the primary industry was 2.66 billion yuan, that of the secondary industry was 17.05 billion yuan, and that of the tertiary industry was 13.38 billion yuan. The structure of the three industries was 8.1:51.5:40.4. Based on the permanent population, the per capita GDP is 66,445 yuan.

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