Hunchun county-level city

Hunchun, a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin Province, is located in the east of Jilin Province, southeast of Yanbian Prefecture, endowed with the administrative authority of prefecture-level city government. It is a pilot city of the reform of expanding power and strengthening counties of Jilin Province and a land border port city. It borders Hasan District of Russia's Coastal Krai with Hunchun Mountain as its boundary; it borders Rason City of Korea with Tumen River as its border in the southwest; it borders Wangqing County with Agha Mountain as its border in the north; it borders Tumen City in the northwest; and it borders Dongning City of Heilongjiang Province in the northeast. It is located at east longitude 130°03 '-- 130°18', north latitude 42°25 '-- 43°30'. The total area is 5,141 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over 4 streets, 4 towns and 5 townships. According to the 7th census data, by midnight on November 1, 2020, the permanent resident population of Hunchun City is 239,359 people.

Hunchun has a long history, as early as four thousand years ago in the Neolithic Age, there were "Sushen" nationality in the territory of breeding and living, located in the border city of China, Korea and Russia, is one of the first four open border cities in the country. In April 2012, The State Council approved the establishment of China Tumen River Region (Hunchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone. In January 2020, Jilin Provincial Party Committee and provincial government issued Opinions on Supporting Hunchun to Develop Marine Economy Cooperation and Development; In May 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Natural Resources jointly replied to support the construction of Hunchun Marine economy Development Demonstration zone in Jilin. Hunchun has a good natural ecology, with national scenic spots such as Fangchuan Scenic Area, Tumen River National Forest Park, Siberian tiger and Amur leopard nature reserve, the first Oriental sentinel, earth character stone boundary monument, folk Dynasty village and other scenic spots.
In 2020, the gross regional product of Hunchun reached 9.111 billion yuan, of which the added value of the primary industry was 648 million yuan, the secondary industry was 4.450 billion yuan and the tertiary industry was 4.013 billion yuan.


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