Lixian County

Lixian County, under the jurisdiction of Longnan City, Gansu Province, is located in the southeast of Gansu Province, in the north of Longnan City, bordering Qinzhou District and Xihe County of Tianshui in the east, Dangchang and Minxian County in the west, Wudu District of Longnan City in the south, and Wushan and Gangu County in the north. The county covers an area of 4299.92 square kilometers. As of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Li County is 424135.

In the Yuan Dynasty, the military and civilian marshal's office of Lidian Wenzhou was set up. Later, because of the vulgarity of the word "Li", it was replaced by the elegant homonym "Li". It was initially subordinated to the Wang Xiang's office, and later belonged to the Tubo Propaganda Department. In August 1949, Li County was liberated, and the People's Government of Li County was established, which was under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Administrative Commissioner of Wudu District. In July 1985, Li County was transferred to Wudu, and the former Wudu District was renamed Longnan Administration. In 2004, Longnan was set up as a city, and Li County was still under its jurisdiction. As of October 2021, Li County has jurisdiction over 22 towns and 7 townships, and the county people's government is located in Chengguan Town. Li County is the birthplace of the Qin nationality and Qin culture, known as the "hometown of the Qin Emperor". Local specialties include lixian rhubarb, angelica, tripe, wine persimmon, etc. There are Gansu Qin Culture Museum, Qin's First Cemetery - Qin's Western Frontier Cemetery, Qi Mountain Wu Hou Temple and other scenic spots.

On the morning of November 21, 2020, the Information Office of the Gansu Provincial Government held a press conference to announce that Li County was out of the poverty line. By the end of 2020, the gross domestic product of Li County will reach 4.33 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 7%, 1.4 times that of the end of 2015.

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