shanghang county

Shanghang County, subordinate to Longyan City, Fujian Province, is located in the southwest of Fujian Province, bordering Changting County and Liancheng County in the north, Yongding District and Jiaoling County in Guangdong Province in the south, Xinluo District in the east, and Wuping County in the west, with a total area of 2879 square kilometers. In 2020, Shanghang County has a total population of 520000. As of November 2020, the permanent population of Shanghang County is 376392. As of October 2021, Shanghang County has 17 towns and 4 townships under its jurisdiction, and the county government is located at No. 12, Beida Road, Linjiang Town.

In the fifth year of Chunhua in the Song Dynasty (994), Shanghang County was established. In the 14th year of Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty (1478), Yongding County was set out with six maps. In 1997, it was subordinate to Longyan City. Shanghang County is a famous old revolutionary base and one of the core areas of the Central Soviet Area during the Second Civil Revolutionary War. There are 4 national key cultural relics protection sites, Shanghang black plum and Shanghang dried radish as geographical indication products. Shanghang County is an advanced county of national scientific and technological progress, a national agricultural product quality and safety county, a national garden county, a national civilized city, and a national model city for mutual support. "Four Good Rural Roads" is a national demonstration county and one of the top 100 counties in China.

In 2020, Shanghang County's GDP will reach 43.19 billion yuan, an increase of 5.7% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry is 6.05 billion yuan, and the added value of the secondary industry is 17.94 billion yuan; The added value of the tertiary industry is 19.2 billion yuan, and the ratio of the tertiary industry structure is 14.0:41.5:44.5.

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