Songtao Miao Autonomous County

Songtao Miao Autonomous County (short for Songtao), under the jurisdiction of Tongren City, Guizhou Province. Founded in 1956, it is one of the earliest autonomous counties approved by The State Council. According to the seventh census, the permanent population of Songtao Miao Autonomous County was 487,737 as of midnight on November 1, 2020.

Songtao is located at the eastern foot of Fanjing Mountain, the main peak of Wuling Mountains, at the junction of Guizhou, Hunan and Chongqing. It is connected with Huayuan and Fenghuang of Hunan, and bordered by Youyang and Xiushan of Chongqing. With moderate location and convenient transportation, it is known as the "gateway to East Guizhou". The ancient "ground Chuan Chu, a repressed Sanxiang" name.
County jurisdiction 5 streets, 17 towns, 6 townships. The total area is 3409 square kilometers, of which the built-up area is more than 24 square kilometers. Tongren City is the largest area, the largest population, the strongest comprehensive strength of a county.

In March 2019, it was selected into the list of the first batch of counties under protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics. On March 3, 2020, the government withdrew from the list of poverty-stricken counties and realized poverty alleviation. In 2020, the GDP of Songtao Miao Autonomous County reached 17.012 billion yuan, an increase of 4.6 percent year-on-year based on comparable prices.

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