Wanyuan county-level city

Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province directly administered by Dazhou City. It borders Zhenba and Ziyang counties of Shaanxi Province in the north and Chengkou County of Chongqing in the east. Jurisdiction east and west length of 76.7 kilometers, north-south width of 77.25 kilometers, a total area of 4065 square kilometers. As of June 2020, Wanyuan has jurisdiction over 1 subdistrict, 25 towns and 5 townships. According to the seventh census, as of midnight on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Wanyuan was 406,685.

Located in the northeastern part of Sichuan Province, the heart of Dabashan Mountain, the junction of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Chongqing, and the intersection of 7 counties and cities, Wanyuan City is the boundary of climate between north and south China and the watershed of Jialing River and Han River. It gets its name because it is located in Wanqing Pool and the source of water.
In July 1993, Wanyuan was set up as a city with obvious geographical advantages. It is the main land transportation channel out of Sichuan Province, known as "Qinchuan Lock and key". Xiang-chongqing Railway, Baomao Expressway, national Highway Line 210 and Line 347 transit. Known as the "source of treasures", Wanyuan City is one of the three selenium-rich zones in China and the only natural selenium-rich area in Sichuan Province. Selenium-rich agricultural products enjoy a good reputation in Qin and Ba provinces, and there are 1206 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials such as calyces, orange and gastrodia elata.

In March 2019, it was listed among the first batch of counties under protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics. In February 2020, the Sichuan Provincial People's Government agreed to remove Wanyuan from the list of poverty-stricken counties.
In 2020, Wanyuan's gross regional product (GDP) reached 13.42 billion yuan, an increase of 3.7 percent year-on-year based on comparable prices. The added value of the primary industry reached 3.92 billion yuan, up by 5.3%; the secondary industry reached 3.04 billion yuan, up by 4.1%; and the tertiary industry (service industry) reached 6.45 billion yuan, up by 2.5%. The tertiary industrial structure ratio is 29.2:22.7:48.1.

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