Wengyuan County

Wengyuan County, under the jurisdiction of Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province, is located in the north of Guangdong Province and the southeast of Shaoguan City. It is named after its location at the source of the Wujiang River, a branch of the Beijiang River. In the Liang Dynasty (554) of the Southern Dynasty, the county was established as one of the 16 earliest established counties in the history of Guangdong. Because of its beautiful scenery and abundant products, it was known as "Xianyi" in ancient times. It is adjacent to Lianping in the east, Xinfeng in the south, Yingde and Qujiang in the west, and Shixing and Jiangxi in the north. It is known as the "South Gate of North Guangdong". It is a pilot project of fiscal reform in counties directly under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province. With a total area of 2175 square kilometers, the county has eight towns under its jurisdiction: Longxian, Jiangwei, Bazi, Zhoupi, Guandu, Wengcheng, Xinjiang and Tielong. The county seat is located in Longxian Town. According to the data of the seventh population census, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Wengyuan County was 322482.

In 2020, Wengyuan County achieved a GDP of 10.78 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1% year on year.

In Wengyuan County, there are Donghua Buddhist Temple, a religious activity site that integrates meditation and recuperation, leisure and sightseeing, and worship and pray for the Buddha. There are the unique ancient building "Eight Diagrams Enclosure" in Qianling, which is based on the integration of Zhouyi Eight Diagrams Culture and Hakka Culture in Guangdong Hakka Enclosed Houses. There are the Huxinba folk residential group consisting of 59 Hakka Enclosures built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and there is a compass enclosure in the shape of a compass. Ecological resources include Qingyun Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve, Banxi Municipal Nature Reserve and the largest orchid base in China, as well as characteristic agricultural industrial bases such as Sanhua plum, Jiuxian peach and sericulture. Many celebrities and patriots have been bred, including Shao Ye, a poet in the late Tang Dynasty, Chen Lin, a famous anti-Japanese general in the Ming Dynasty, Tu Zhiwei, a contemporary Chinese in the United States, the former chairman of the National Association of Oil Painters, and the master of oil painting.

The crops in Wengyuan County are mainly rice, vegetables, sugarcane, peanuts and soybeans. Sanhua plum is protected by geographical indication products. Sanhua plum, Liuli mandarin, Jiuxian peach, black-skinned cane, Magutang lotus and other famous and special products have long enjoyed a high reputation. The Hakka snacks such as Jiangwei rice noodles and Zhoupi ice-flower cakes have special characteristics. Xihuang herbal tea, white sugar, silk reeling, outdoor furniture and other famous brand products are famous at home and abroad.

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