Xilin Hot, located in the central part of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, north of the capital Beijing, is the seat of Xilin Gol League Office. The geographical coordinates are 43°02 '-- 44°52' north latitude, 115°18 '-- 117°06' east longitude. The city is 208 kilometers long from north to south and 143 kilometers long from east to west, with a total area of 14,785 square kilometers, including 37.5 square kilometers of urban built-up area. It is a border minority area with Mongolian as the main body, Han as the majority, and multi-ethnic communities. According to the seventh census data, the permanent population of Xilinhot was 349,953 as of midnight on November 1, 2020.
Xilinhot City, the terrain is high in the south and low in the north, with low hills in the south and gentle undulating plain in the north, with an average elevation of 988.5 meters. Located in the mid-latitude west wind airflow belt, is a semi-arid continental climate in the temperate zone, the annual average precipitation of 294.9 mm, frost-free 110 days. The available grassland area is 20.68 million mu, woodland area is 470,000 mu and cultivated land is 255,000 mu. There are various animal and plant resources and complete grassland types. There were 345 days of good air quality in the year, and the average rate of good air quality was 95.3%. The per capita green area of urban parks was 17.9 square meters, and the green coverage rate was 36.1%. Annual water resources total 260 million cubic meters, the available consumption of 156 million cubic meters. Xilin River reservoir has a storage capacity of 2,003 million cubic meters and an annual water supply of 8.75 million cubic meters. It has successively won the titles of "China Excellent Tourism City", "National Advanced City of Science and Technology", "National Model City of Double Support", "National Legal County (urban area)", "civilized City", "Health City" and "Garden City" by China Horse Industry Association in 2010. In June 2017, Xilin Hot was named a National Health City. On October 22, 2018, Xilin Hot was selected into the list of pilot areas for the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in the country in 2018. The top 100 counties and cities in Western China.
In 2019, Xilinhot achieved a GDP of 21,338.49 million yuan.
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