Xingye County

Xingye County, under the jurisdiction of Yulin City of Guangxi, is located in the southeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, northwest of Yulin City. It is adjacent to Beiliu City in the east, Yuzhou District in the south, Guiping City in the northeast, Gangnan District in Guigang City in the northwest, and Pubei County in the southwest, with a total area of 1468.38 square kilometers. According to the seventh census, the permanent population of Xingye County was 508,344 as of midnight on November 1, 2020.

Tang Dynasty Linde two years (665 years), set Xingye County, after many changes. Xingye has a beautiful ecological environment. Within its territory, there are national AAAA level Lufeng Mountain Scenic Spot known as "the first Rock in Lingnan", Tianwaitian Scenic Spot, Li Zongren Tunbing Company Level three development site, Pang Cun Qing Dynasty folk houses, Xingye County Dashui Tourism Resort and other tourist landscapes. It is the founding county of "all-region tourism" at the autonomous region level. County broiler annual output accounts for one seventh of Guangxi, known as the "township of three yellow chickens" reputation.

In 2019, Xingye County had jurisdiction over 13 towns. In 2020, the GDP of Xingye County increased by 5.1% year on year. The primary industry grew by 5.7%, contributing 30.96% to GDP. The secondary industry grew by 5.7%, contributing 35.89% to GDP; The tertiary industry grew by 4.2%, contributing 33.15% to GDP.

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