Xunyang City

Xunyang City, Shanxi Province, Ankang City in charge. Located in the southeast of Shanxi Province, Qinba Mountains in the eastern section, the Han River across it. It borders Yunxi County and Baihe County of Hubei Province in the east, Zhushan County, Zhuxi County and Pingli County of Shanxi Province in the south, Hanbin District of Shanxi Province in the west, and Zhen 'an County and Yunxi County of Shanxi Province in the north. Between 32°29 '-- 33°13' north latitude and 103°58 '-- 109°48' east longitude, the total area of 3554 square kilometers, accounting for about 10.91% of the land area of Ankang City. It has jurisdiction over 21 towns.

Xunyang has a human existence of six or seven thousand years of history, the Neolithic Age on the ancestors here to multiply and live. Qin set up the ten-day Pass and put Xunyang County in it. Xunyang has experienced the development history of agricultural civilization for more than two thousand years. Influenced by the cultures of Qin, Chu and Shu and the immigrants of Ming and Qing dynasties, it formed the regional characteristic culture and folk customs compatible with the north and the south, and created the Hanshui culture with distinctive regional characteristics, focusing on Han opera, folk songs and folk dance. Xunyang has a fine revolutionary tradition, the Red twenty-fifth Army, the Red Army, the New Fourth Army created a revolutionary base in Xunyang, He Long and other older revolutionaries had been in Xunyang bloody battle, there is the only one in the country to "Red Army" named township. Xunyang is rich in resources. Located in the riverhead area of the inland mountainous area in the transition from north to south, with four distinct seasons and warm climate, it is an international high-quality flue-cured tobacco base and the hometown of high-quality silkworm cocoons. There are Taiji City, Shuhe Ancient Town, Red Army memorial Garden, alpine meadow, idyllic scenery, karst cave waterfall, Han River channel and other natural and cultural landscapes.

By the end of 2021, Xunyang has 443,274 people in 148,313 households. In 2021, Xunyang City achieved the gross regional product (GDP) of 200.74 billion yuan, among which, the added value of the primary industry was 2.348 billion yuan, the added value of the secondary industry was 10.385 billion yuan, and the added value of the tertiary industry was 7.7:51.7:36.6.

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