Yanchang County

Yanchang County, located in the north of Shanxi Province and the east of Yan 'an City, is 73 kilometers long from east to west, 55 kilometers wide from north to south, with a total area of 2,368.7 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over 1 street and 7 towns. According to the seventh census, as of midnight on November 1, 2020, the permanent population was 117,965.

Early human activities in Yanchang County can be traced back to the Neolithic Age. In the first two years of the Western Jin Dynasty (266), the county was established. Several changes, to the Tang Guangde two years (764), because the Yan River from the county from the west to the east into the Yellow River, the beginning of the name Yanchang County, in use today. The terrain is inclined from northwest to southeast, high in north and south, low in the middle, showing a valley peak type. Is a warm temperate arid continental monsoon climate, spring, summer, autumn and winter four distinct seasons, cold and warm dry wet obvious.

In 2021, the GDP of Yanchang County reached 6.849 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 10.8%. The added value of the primary industry reached 1.727 billion yuan, with an increase of 6.9%; The added value of the secondary industry reached 2.801 billion yuan, up by 17.3%; The added value of the tertiary industry reached 2.321 billion yuan, up by 8.0%

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