Zado County

Zado County, located in the south of Qinghai Province and the southwest of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, is located between 93°38 '~96°12' east longitude and 32°08 '~34°15' north latitude. County area 30161 square kilometers. As of November 2021, Zadoi County has a total population of 72,300. It is a continental monsoon climate. As of October 2021, Zadoi County has jurisdiction over one town and seven townships. County people's government in Sahuteng Town.

Miscellaneous, ancient Yongzhou savage land. In 1954, it was named Zado County. It is the basic balanced county of national compulsory education development in 2020, the pilot county of roof distributed photovoltaic development, and the advanced work of law popularization and governance in Qinghai Province from 2016 to 2020. The main scenic spots are the source of Lancang River, the Source of Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve, the source of the Yangtze River, etc.
By November 2021, Zadoi County had achieved a gross regional product of 846 million yuan, an increase of 4.65% in the same period.

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