Ziyang County

Ziyang County, subordinate to Ankang City, Shanxi Province, is located in the south of Shanxi Province, the upper reaches of the Han River, the northern foot of Daba Mountain, east Hanbin District, Langao County, west Zhenba County, south Chengkou County, Wanyuan City, and north Hanyin County. It is between 108°06 -- 108°43 'east longitude and 32°08 -- 32°49' north latitude, with a total area of 2204 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over 17 towns. According to the seventh census, as of midnight on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Ziyang County was 260,971.

Ziyang got its name because Zhang Boduan, the founder of the southern School of Taoism (Tao name "Ziyang Zhenzhen"), once practiced Taoism here. It means "Purple Qi comes from the east and the sun shines". It is the only county in China named after Taoism. Ziyang has a beautiful ecological environment and rich selenium-rich resources. Ziyang selenium-rich tea is a national protected product of origin. Ziyang Folk song is one of the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage and is named "the Hometown of Chinese Folk Song" and "the Hometown of Chinese Folk culture and art" by the Ministry of Culture.

By the end of 2021, Ziyang County has 258,977 permanent residents. In 2020, Ziyang County achieved a GDP of 10.5 billion yuan, a fixed asset investment of 6.5 billion yuan, a designated industrial added value of 3.77 billion yuan, a total retail sales of consumer goods of 3.07 billion yuan, a general public budget revenue of 105 million yuan, and a fiscal budget expenditure of 4.85 billion yuan. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents reached 27,776 yuan and 10,955 yuan respectively.

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