Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture

Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, an autonomous prefecture under the jurisdiction of Sichuan Province, with its capital in Xichang City, is located in the southwest of Sichuan, bordering Ya'an and Ganzi Prefecture from Dadu River in the north, facing Yunnan Province from Jinsha River in the south, bordering Zhaotong in Yunnan, Yibin and Leshan in Sichuan in the east, and Ganzi Prefecture in the west; The terrain is high in the northwest, low in the southeast, high in the north and low in the south; The climate belongs to subtropical monsoon climate. Liangshan Prefecture covers a total area of 60400 square kilometers and has jurisdiction over 2 county-level cities, 14 counties and 1 autonomous county. By the end of 2021, the permanent population of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture was 4.874 million.

Liangshan has been an important channel to Yunnan and Southeast Asia since ancient times, and an important town of the "Southern Silk Road"; Located in the heart of the "Great Shangri-La Tourism Circle", there are 27 Class A scenic spots, including 9 Class 4A scenic spots, including Qionghai-Lushan Mountain, Qionghai National Wetland Park, Jianchang Ancient City, Tangyuan, Dashiban Ancient Village, Luoji Mountain, Lugu Lake, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, Wenchang Hometown and other scenic spots; The Liangshan Slave Society Museum, a museum reflecting the form of slave society, has 18 national intangible cultural heritages, including the traditional skills of Yi lacquerware. The "Yi Torch Festival" is the "intangible cultural heritage of mankind" recommended by the State Council to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Lugu Lake Mosuo Culture is known as the "living fossil of human maternal society". On September 22, 2020, it won the "harvest cup" of grain production in Sichuan Province in 2019.

In 2022, Liangshan's GDP will reach 208.136 billion yuan, an increase of 6.0% over the previous year at comparable prices.

Chinese counties in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture

Muli Tibetan Autonomous County
Leibo County
Meigu County
Ganluo County
Yuexi County
Mianning County
Xide County
Zhaojue County
Butuo County
Puge County
Ningnan County
Huidong County
Huili county-level city
Dechang County
Yanyuan County
Xichang county-level city

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