shangqiu city

Shangqiu, referred to as "Shang" for short, is a prefecture level city in Henan Province. Shangqiu lies between 114 ° 49 '- 116 ° 39' east longitude and 33 ° 43 '- 34 ° 52' north latitude, 168 kilometers from east to west, 128 kilometers from north to south, facing Huaibei in Anhui Province and Xuzhou in Jiangsu Province in the east, Kaifeng in Henan Province in the west, Zhoukou in Henan Province and Bozhou in Anhui Province in the south, Heze and Jining in Shandong Province in the north. The total area of Shangqiu City accounts for 6.4% of the total area of Henan Province, with a regional area of 10704 square kilometers. By the end of 2021, Shangqiu has a registered residence population of 10.12 million and a permanent population of 7.723 million.

The landform of Shangqiu City is divided into three types of areas, namely, the Yellow River alluvial plain, the Huaihe River alluvial plain and the denuded monadnock, according to the characteristics of its genesis and shape type, mainly the Yellow River alluvial plain area. Shangqiu City has a warm temperate continental monsoon climate. Shangqiu City belongs to the Huaihe River basin, which is divided into three water systems: Hongze Lake, Wohe River and Nansihu Lake.

Shangqiu City is a national comprehensive transportation hub. It is a famous historical and cultural city of China and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. It is the origin and settlement of the Shang tribe, the earliest capital of the Shang Dynasty, the birthplace of merchants' commodity commerce, and the birthplace of commercial civilization. It has the reputation of "the source of Yin and Shang". In 2021, Shangqiu's GDP will be 308.332 billion yuan.

Chinese counties in shangqiu city

Xiayi County
Yucheng County
Zhecheng County
Ningling County
Sui County
Minquan County
Yongcheng county-level city

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